Weekly Spectrum Transaction Summary - May 1, 2020 July 1, 2020 00:00

FCC Transactions from April 29, 2020
 In this week's spectrum transactions, AT&T and Smith Bagley filed to swap spectrum in several New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah markets.  AT&T is acquiring PCS, 700MHz, and AWS-1 spectrum from Smith Bagley and Smith Bagley is receiving AWS-1 spectrum from AT&T.    AT&T is also acquiring most of the 24GHz licenses held by Skyriver Spectrum & Technology.  Skyriver held some of these licenses before the 24GHz auction and purchased the others during the auction.  Verizon filed to acquire three AWS-1 licenses from Grand River Communications and Green Hills Cellular increasing their spectrum ownership in Missouri.  Peoples Telephone filed to acquire two 24GHz licenses from Horry Telephone. These licenses provide Peoples Telephone with one channel of 24GHz spectrum in both the Paris and Tyler TX PEA markets.  USCellular has also filed to acquire millimeter wave spectrum licenses from Broadband One.  USCellular is acquiring their 28GHz spectrum in the northwest and the upper mid-west.  T-Mobile has also filed to lease an EBS license in South Texas, providing it with an additional 24MHz of spectrum.  The last transaction involves the Nevada Gold Mines leasing ATNI's spectrum for the mine's operating area in northern Nevada.

Purpose Assignee Assignor CallSign Map RadioService Market Channel
Assignment AT&T Smith Bagley WQRK778 PCS BTA139 - Farmington, NM-Durango, CO C
Assignment AT&T Smith Bagley KNLG855 PCS BTA139 - Farmington, NM-Durango, CO F
Assignment AT&T Smith Bagley WPZA230 Map 700MHz CMA553 - New Mexico 1 - San Juan C
Assignment AT&T Smith Bagley WQGD629 Map AWS-1 BEA155 - Farmington, NM-CO C
Assignment AT&T Skyriver Spectrum & Technology WQCJ305 24GHz PEA076 - Reno, NV G
Assignment AT&T Skyriver Spectrum & Technology WQCJ306 24GHz PEA026 - Las Vegas, NV G
Assignment AT&T Skyriver Spectrum & Technology WQCJ307 24GHz PEA075 - Albuquerque, NM G
Assignment AT&T Skyriver Spectrum & Technology WQCJ308 24GHz PEA015 - Phoenix, AZ G
Assignment AT&T Skyriver Spectrum & Technology WREV479 24GHz PEA156 - Boise City, ID C
Assignment AT&T Skyriver Spectrum & Technology WREV480 24GHz PEA084 - Mobile, AL E
Assignment AT&T Skyriver Spectrum & Technology WREV481 24GHz PEA126 - Casa Grande, AZ E
Assignment AT&T Skyriver Spectrum & Technology WREV482 24GHz PEA157 - Yuma, AZ E
Assignment AT&T Skyriver Spectrum & Technology WREV483 24GHz PEA180 - Flagstaff, AZ E
Assignment AT&T Skyriver Spectrum & Technology WREV484 24GHz PEA312 - Farmington, NM E
Assignment Verizon Grand River Communications WQJY651 AWS-1 CMA507 - Missouri 4 - De Kalb A
Assignment Verizon Grand River Communications WQNK762 AWS-1 CMA505 - Missouri 2 - Harrison A
Assignment Verizon Green Hills Area Cellular Telephone WQGI514 AWS-1 CMA507 - Missouri 4 - De Kalb A
Assignment Peoples Telephone Horry Telephone WRET855 24GHz PEA144 - Paris, TX B
Assignment Peoples Telephone Horry Telephone WRET856 24GHz PEA152 - Tyler, TX C
Assignment Smith Bagley AT&T KNLF278 Map PCS MTA039 - El Paso-Albuquerque B
Assignment USCellular Broadband One WRAZ504 28GHz C06093 - Siskiyou, CA L1
Assignment USCellular Broadband One WRAZ505 28GHz C06093 - Siskiyou, CA L2
Assignment USCellular Broadband One WRAZ676 28GHz C41011 - Coos, OR L1
Assignment USCellular Broadband One WRAZ677 28GHz C41011 - Coos, OR L2
Assignment USCellular Broadband One WRAZ678 28GHz C41015 - Curry, OR L1
Assignment USCellular Broadband One WRAZ679 28GHz C41015 - Curry, OR L2
Assignment USCellular Broadband One WRAZ652 28GHz C55039 - Fond du Lac, WI L1
Assignment USCellular Broadband One WRAZ653 28GHz C55039 - Fond du Lac, WI L2
Assignment USCellular Broadband One WRAZ654 28GHz C55071 - Manitowoc, WI L1
Assignment USCellular Broadband One WRAZ655 28GHz C55071 - Manitowoc, WI L2
Assignment USCellular Broadband One WREU204 28GHz C17017 - Cass, IL L1
Assignment USCellular Broadband One WREU220 28GHz C17203 - Woodford, IL L1
New Lease T-Mobile Ben Bolt Palito Blanco Independent School District WNC354 Map EBS P01146 - P35 GSA,27-15-19 N,98-5-47 W D
New Lease Nevada Gold Mines ATNI WQJQ811 Map 700MHz CMA544 - Nevada 2 - Lander B