Weekly Spectrum Transaction Summary - October 2, 2020 December 2, 2020 13:30

FCC Transactions from September 30, 2020
In this week's FCC transactions, T-Mobile filed 4 assignment transactions and 1 new lease transaction to maintain their control over 5 EBS licenses.  The assignment licenses permanently acquire spectrum in Virginia, California, and Texas while the new lease provides continued access to spectrum in Bellingham, WA.  Atlantic Tele-Network (ATNI) filed to lease parts of 6 PCS licenses from AT&T and to lease one 700MHz license from Northern New Mexico Telecom.  Between these 7 licenses, ATNI can provide service to parts of 10 counties.  PTI Pacifica also filed to renew their leases for a PCS license in both the Northern Mariana Islands and Guam.  The last set of transactions involve Sagebrush Cellular re-leasing 2 cellular licenses in eastern North Dakota, from AT&T.
Purpose Assignee Assignor CallSign Map RadioService Market Channel
Assignment T-Mobile Desmond T. Doss Academy WNC585 Map EBS P00515 - P35 GSA,37-33-47.5 N,79-11-37.1 W D
Assignment T-Mobile Santa Cruz Office of Education WNC788 Map EBS P01200 - P35 GSA,36-31-47.9 N,121-36-34.8 W D
Assignment T-Mobile Water Valley Independent School WLX334 Map EBS P01002 - P35 GSA,31-25-16.6 N,100-32-37.3 W A
Assignment T-Mobile Water Valley Independent School WLX758 Map EBS P01791 - P35 GSA,31-25-16.6 N,100-32-37.3 W D
New Lease ATNI AT&T KNLG538 Map PCS BTA399 - Salt Lake City-Ogden, UT D
New Lease ATNI AT&T WPQY420 Map PCS BTA392 - St. George, UT C
New Lease ATNI AT&T WPVC981 Map PCS MTA036 - Salt Lake City B
New Lease ATNI AT&T WPZA816 Map PCS MTA036 - Salt Lake City A
New Lease ATNI AT&T WQBI466 Map PCS MTA036 - Salt Lake City A
New Lease ATNI AT&T KNLF278 Map PCS MTA039 - El Paso-Albuquerque B
New Lease ATNI Northern New Mexico Telecom WPWV417 700MHz CMA554 - New Mexico 2 - Colfax C
New Lease PTI Pacifica Choice Phone WPSJ967 PCS BTA490 - Guam F
New Lease PTI Pacifica Choice Phone WPSJ968 PCS BTA493 - Northern Mariana Islands F
New Lease Sagebrush Cellular AT&T KNKN285 Cell CMA580 - North Dakota 1 - Divide A
New Lease Sagebrush Cellular AT&T KNKN432 Cell CMA526 - Montana 4 - Daniels A
New Lease T-Mobile Lynden Christian School WNC849 Map EBS P01209 - P35 GSA,48-46-57.9 N,122-29-26.9 W C