Millimeter Wave - Frequency Band Ownership Charts March 10, 2020 11:27
With the release of our March 2020 Mobile Carrier and Millimeter Wave - Spectrum Ownership Analysis Tools we have included a new analysis module which details the frequency band ownership for eight user selected carriers. With the results for Auction 103 expected later this week, we are including the charts for the Millimeter Wave frequency bands. These charts detail each carrier's total ownership in a band, measured in terms of MHz-POPs.
Looking at the 28GHz chart, you can see that Verizon owns 73% of the band while T-Mobile controls 14%. The 37GHz, 39GHz, and 47GHz slides reflect the FCC controlling 100% of each spectrum band. In the second chart, reflecting our February 2020 data, the spectrum held in the 39GHz band, pre-auction is indicated. Verizon controlled 39% of this band prior to the auction and AT&T controlled 27%. All of this spectrum was traded back into the FCC before Auction 103 started, so it will be interesting to see how all of the carrier's bidding activity affect these charts, once the auction results are posted.
We anticipate releasing a mid-month release of our Millimeter Wave - Spectrum Ownership Analysis Tool within two days of the FCC results announcement.
Millimeter Wave Frequency Band Ownership (March 2020):
Millimeter Wave Frequency Band Ownership (February 2020):