Weekly Spectrum Transaction Summary - March 1, 2019 May 1, 2019 00:00

FCC Transactions - February 27, 2019
In this week's FCC transactions, Verizon has filed to acquire 1 PCS and 4 AWS-1 licenses from Grain Spectrum covering Indiana and Ohio.  Verizon was previously leasing these spectrum blocks from Grain.  In addition, Verizon is acquiring an AWS-1 license in Indiana from Southeastern Indiana Rural Telephone.  T-Mobile has filed to acquire the 700MHz - A block license in Darrington County, SC.  AT&T continued their plans to lease rural blocks of their spectrum to rural operators.  AT&T leased additional blocks of their PCS spectrum to ATNI in Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico.  AT&T leased blocks of their PCS, 700MHz, and Cellular spectrum to Wireless Partners in New Hampshire and Maine.  Finally, Sprint initiated a new lease for Johnson & Wales University's EBS spectrum covering Rhode Island and parts of Massachusetts. 


Purpose Assignee Assignor CallSign Map RadioService Market Channel
Assignment Verizon Grain Spectrum WPOI243 PCS MTA018 - Cincinnati-Dayton A
Assignment Verizon Grain Spectrum WQGB242 AWS-1 CMA023 - Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN A
Assignment Verizon Grain Spectrum WQGB245 AWS-1 CMA145 - Hamilton-Middletown, OH A
Assignment Verizon Grain Spectrum WQGB248 AWS-1 CMA588 - Ohio 4 - Mercer A
Assignment Verizon Grain Spectrum WQGB249 AWS-1 CMA592 - Ohio 8 - Clinton A
Assignment Verizon Southeastern Indiana Rural Telephone WQGD776 AWS-1 CMA411 - Indiana 9 - Decatur A
Assignment T-Mobile Horry Telephone Cooperative WQIZ561 Map 700MHz BEA025 - Wilmington, NC-SC A
New Lease ATNI AT&T WPOK572 Map PCS BTA008 - Albuquerque, NM C
New Lease ATNI AT&T WPRT965 Map PCS BTA347 - Phoenix, AZ C
New Lease ATNI AT&T WPZY675 Map PCS BTA128 - El Paso, TX C
New Lease ATNI AT&T WQDI526 Map PCS BTA244 - Las Cruces, NM C
New Lease Sprint Johnson & Wales University WND547 Map EBS P02089 - P35 GSA,41-52-14.4 N,71-17-43.2 W C1234
New Lease Wireless Partners AT&T KNKN832 Cellular CMA679 - Vermont 1 - Franklin A
New Lease Wireless Partners AT&T KNLF216 Map PCS MTA008 - Boston-Providence A
New Lease Wireless Partners AT&T WPYZ910 Map 700MHz CMA548 - New Hampshire 1 - Coos C
New Lease Wireless Partners AT&T WPYZ910 Map 700MHz CMA548 - New Hampshire 1 - Coos C
New Lease Wireless Partners AT&T WPZA251 Map 700MHz CMA466 - Maine 4 - Washington C
New Lease Wireless Partners AT&T WPZA251 Map 700MHz CMA466 - Maine 4 - Washington C
New Lease Wireless Partners AT&T WPZA251 Map 700MHz CMA466 - Maine 4 - Washington C
New Lease Wireless Partners AT&T KNLF216 Map PCS MTA008 - Boston-Providence A