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Public Notice announcing that all Auction 110 license applications are accepted for filing.
(Dkt No 20-429). Commission seeks comment on the competitive bidding procedures to be used for the auction of geographic overlay licenses in the 2.5 GHz band.. (FCC No. 21-14). OEA WTB. Action by: the Commission.
(DA No. 20-1445). Public Notice announcing that certain Auction 105 license applications are accepted for filing.
(DA No. 20-899). Public Notice announcing that a 24 GHz long-form application from Auction 102 is granted.
(DA No. 20-900). Public Notice announcing that certain Auction 103 licenses are granted. WTB.
(DA No. 20-695). (Dkt No 19-244). Identifies 271 applicants qualified to bid in Auction 105 (3.5 GHz PALs). OEA WTB.
(DA No. 20-561). (Dkt No 19-59 14-177). This Public Notice announces that in exchange for Auction 103 incentive payments related 39 GHz licenses have been cancelled; incentive payment amounts have been applied to winning bids; and remaining incentive payment amounts will be made in cash.
(DA No. 20-582). Public Notice announcing that certain Auction 103 licenses are granted.
(DA No. 20-586). (Dkt No 18-122). WTB invites interested parties to provide additional comment on the preliminary lump sum categories and payment amounts available to FSS incumbent earth station operators.
(DA No. 20-578). (Dkt No 18-122). With this Public Notice, WTB announces that certain space station operators have committed to clear the 3.7-4.0 GHz band on an accelerated timeline. WTB.
(DA No. 20-520). (Dkt No 19-244). Announces updated population data for U.S. Territories and four other counties and the availability of an updated Attachment A file listing the bidding units, upfront payment amounts, and minimum opening bid amounts for each license for Auction 105 . OEA WTB.
(DA No. 20-253). (Dkt No 19-59).
Over 14,000 Spectrum Licenses Awarded in Upper 37, 39, and 47 GHz Bands
(DA No. 20-231). (Dkt No 20-25). Announces availability of guides that provide technical and mathematical details regarding the proposed bidding procedures for the clock and assignment phases of Auction 107.
Makes 280 Megahertz of the 3.7-4.2 GHz Band Available for 5G Services While Relocating Existing Satellite Operations to the Upper Part of the Band. (Dkt No 18-122). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 2020-02-28 by R&O. (FCC No. 20-22). WTB.
(Dkt No 20-25). FCC Seeks Comment On Bidding Procedures For December 8th, 2020 C-Band Auction. Comments Due: 2020-05-01. Reply Comments Due: 2020-05-15. (FCC No. 20-23). OEA. Action by: the Commission.
(DA No. 20-218). (Dkt No 19-244). Announces the availability of a technical guide that provides examples and additional technical and mathematical details regarding the bidding procedures for Auction 105. OEA WTB.
Auction of Priority Access Licenses in the 3.55-3.65 GHz Band Will Encourage Increased Investment and Deployment in Mid-band Spectrum for 5G. News Release. (Dkt No 19-244).
(DA No. 20-120). (Dkt No 19-59). Announces that the assignment phase of Auction 103 will begin on February 18, 2020, and the availability of Assignment Phase Bidding System User Guide, file formats, and online tutorial. Assignment phase mock auction will begin on February 13, 2020.